In the following figure, by looking at the percentage of the supporting tweets at a daily basis, we can observe whether each side's supporting rate has significant change overtime. There is no significant change of each side's support ratio since the first present debate 2016, which happened on Sept 26 2016. However, there is a significant pattern shows that the number of Twitters always increases significantly after each debate.
Before second debate, Oct. 9th 2016, Hillary's supporting ratio went up. After debate, the ratio come down again. Overall, it looks like her supporting ratio has trend to go up?
Edit: Based on below figure, it looks like Hillary's support ratio is going down.
Edit: It looks like Hillary gained more support after third debate as as the trend shows her support rate going up. Or, in other words, Trump lost some supporters on Twitter? It will be interesting to study if those "supporters" will continuously post tweets on Twitter or they will just show their opinion and waiting for the voting day.
Edit: It looks like that Hillary's supporting rate is going down.