First of all, in HTML HEADER, I include ExtJS file ext-dev.js instead of ext-all-debug.js . And, ext-dev.js is the only JavaScript file I need to included there.
Then, in the first page of ExtJS app, I have code like below,
. The other is using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
var singleton = { method1: function(){}, method2: function(){} }However, if we want to have a more complex singleton object, which has private variable and method, we may employee below code,
var Singleton = (function() { //a private variable pointing to singleton object. var _instance = null; //a private construction function, which is actually //the singleton object itself. function PrivateConstructor() { var publicVar = ``Hello ''; this.publicMethod = function(name) { alert(publicVar + para); } } //This function return caller an object used //for getting singleton instance. return new function() { this.getInstance = function() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new PrivateConstructor(); _instance.constructor = null; //no more constructor!. } return _instance; } } })(); var singletonInstance = Singleton.getInstance(); var singletonInstance2 = Singleton.getInstance(); alert(singletonInstance == singletonInstance2); //display true!Or, this code give you true singleton too,
function singleton() { var instance = (function() { var privateVar = "Hello "; function privateMethod (param) { alert(privateVar + param); } return { // public interface publicMethod1: function (name) { privateMethod(name); } }; })(); singleton = function () { // re-define the function for subsequent calls return instance; }; return new singleton; // call the new function }; var singletonInstance = new singleton; var singletonInstance2 = new singleton; alert(singletonInstance == singletonInstance2); //display true!