Rank of Computer Science Conference

Source from CORE

Rank A+ CS conference

Antonym Name Rank
AAAINational Conference of the American Association for Artificial IntelligenceA*
AAMASInternational Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent SystemsA*
ACLAssociation of Computational LinguisticsA*
ACMMMACM MultimediaA*
ASPLOSArchitectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating SystemsA*
CAVComputer Aided VerificationA*
CCSACM Conference on Computer and Communications SecurityA*
CHIInternational Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsA*
COLTAnnual Conference on Computational Learning TheoryA*
CRYPTOAdvances in CryptologyA*
CSCLComputer Supported Collaborative LearningA*
DCCData Compression ConferenceA*
DSNIEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable SystemsA*
EuroCryptInternational Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic TechniquesA*
FOCSIEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer ScienceA*
FOGAFoundations of Genetic AlgorithmsA*
HPCAInternational Symposium on High Performance Computer ArchitectureA*
I3DGACM SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsA*
ICCVIEEE International Conference on Computer VisionA*
ICDEInternational Conference on Data EngineeringA*
ICDMIEEE International Conference on Data MiningA*
ICFPInternational Conference on Functional ProgrammingA*
ICISInternational Conference on Information SystemsA*
ICMLInternational Conference on Machine LearningA*
ICSEInternational Conference on Software EngineeringA*
IJCAIInternational Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA*
IJCARInternational Joint Conference on Automated ReasoningA*
ISCAACM International Symposium on Computer ArchitectureA*
ISMARIEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityA*
ISSACInternational Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic ComputationA*
ISWCIEEE International Symposium on Wearable ComputingA*
KRInternational Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and ReasoningA*
LICSIEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer ScienceA*
NIPSAdvances in Neural Information Processing SystemsA*
OOPSLAACM Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and ApplicationsA*
OSDIUsenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and ImplementationA*
PERCOMIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsA*
PERVASIVEInternational Conference on Pervasive ComputingA*
PLDIACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and ImplementationA*
PODCACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed ComputingA*
PODSACM SIGMOD SIGACT SIGART Conference on Principles of Database SystemsA*
POPLACM SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming LanguagesA*
SIGGRAPHACM SIG International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive TechniquesA*
SIGIRACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information RetrievalA*
SIGKDDACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningA*
SIGMODACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data ConferenceA*
SODAACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete AlgorithmsA*
SOSPACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems PrinciplesA*
STOCACM Symposium on Theory of ComputingA*
UAIConference in Uncertainty in Artificial IntelligenceA*
UbiCompUbiquitous ComputingA*
VLDBInternational Conference on Very Large DatabasesA*
WWWInternational World Wide Web ConferenceA*
ISWCInternational Semantic Web ConferenceA*
DSNWorkshop on Assurance Cases for SecurityA*
ICISIEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information ScienceA*
ICISInternational Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and HumanA*

Rank A CS conference

Antonym Name Rank
ACISAustralasian Conference on Information SystemsA
ACSACAnnual Computer Security Applications ConferenceA
AIIMArtificial Intelligence in MedicineA
AIMEArtificial Intelligence in Medicine in EuropeA
AiMLAdvances in Modal LogicA
ALENEXWorkshop on Algorithm Engineering and ExperimentsA
ALIFEInternational Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living SystemsA
ALTAlgorithmic Learning TheoryA
AMCISAmericas Conference on Information SystemsA
AOSDAspect Oriented Software DevelopmentA
APPROXInternational Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsA
ASAPInternational Conference on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsA
ASEAutomated Software Engineering ConferenceA
ASIACRYPTInternational Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information SecurityA
ATVAInternational Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisA
BPMInternational Conference in Business Process ManagementA
CADEInternational Conference on Automated DeductionA
CaiSEInternational Conference on Advanced Information Systems EngineeringA
CANIMComputer AnimationA
CBSEInternational Symposium Component Based Software EngineeringA
CCInternational Conference on Compiler ConstructionA
CCCIEEE Symposium on Computational ComplexityA
CCGRIDIEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid ComputingA
CGOInternational Symposium on Code Generation and OptimizationA
CIDRConference on Innovative Data Systems ResearchA
CIKMACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge ManagementA
CLUSTERIEEE International Conference on Cluster ComputingA
COCOONInternational Conference on Computing and CombinatoricsA
CogSciAnnual Conference of the Cognitive Science SocietyA
COLINGInternational Conference on Computational LinguisticsA
CONCURInternational Conference on Concurrency TheoryA
CoNEXTACM International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and TechnologiesA
CoNLLConference on Natural Language LearningA
CoopISInternational Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsA
CoordinationInternational Conference on Coordination Models and LanguagesA
CPInternational Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint ProgrammingA
CSBIEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics ConferenceA
CSCWACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative WorkA
CSFIEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (was CSFW)A
CSSACCognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceA
CVPRIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pabern RecognitionA
DASFAADatabase Systems for Advanced ApplicationsA
DESRISTInternational Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and TechnologyA
DISCInternational Symposium on Distributed Computing (was WDAG)A
e ScienceIEEE International Conference on e Science and Grid ComputingA
EACLEuropean Association of Computational LinguisticsA
EASEInternational Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software EngineeringA
ECAIEuropean Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA
ECCVEuropean Conference on Computer VisionA
ECISEuropean Conference on Information SystemsA
ECMLEuropean Conference on Machine LearningA
ECOOPEuropean Conference on Object Oriented ProgrammingA
EDBTExtending Database TechnologyA
EMNLPEmpirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingA
ERInternational Conference on Conceptual ModellingA
ESAEuropean Symposium on AlgorithmsA
ESEMInternational Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and MeasurementA
ESOPEuropean Symposium on ProgrammingA
ESORICSEuropean Symposium On Research In Computer SecurityA
ESQARUInternational Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical ReasoningA
Euro ParInternational Conference on Parallel ProcessingA
HEuropean Graphics Conference EUROGRAPA
EuroSpeechEuropean Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (now Interspeech)A
EuroSysEurosys ConferenceA
FASTConference on File and Storage TechnologiesA
FCFinancial Cryptography and Data Security ConferenceA
FCTInternational Symposium on Fundamentals of Computer TheoryA
FLOPSInternational Symposium on Functional and Logic ProgrammingA
FMEFormal Methods EuropeA
FODOInternational Conference on Foundation on Data OrganizationA
FOISInternational Conference on Formal Ontology in Information SystemsA
FORTEIFIP Joint International Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing, And VerificationA
FSEACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software EngineeringA
FUZZ IEEEIEEE International Conference on Fuzzy SystemsA
GDGraph DrawingA
GECCOGenetic and Evolutionary ComputationsA
GRAPPInternational Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and ApplicationA
GRIDIEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid ComputingA
HCIBritish Computer Society Conference on Human Computer InteractionA
HICSSHawaii International Conference on System SciencesA
HiPCInternational Conference on High Performance ComputingA
HotOSUSENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating SystemsA
HPDCACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed ComputingA
HypertextACM Conference on Hypertext and HypermediaA
ICALPInternational Colloquium on Automata Languages and ProgrammingA
ICCADIEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided DesignA
ICCSInternational Conference on Computational ScienceA
ICDCSInternational Conference on Distributed Computing SystemsA
ICDTInternational Conference on Database TheoryA
ICLPInternational Conference on Logic ProgrammingA
ICONIPInternational Conference on Neural Information ProcessingA
ICPPInternational Conference on Parallel ProcessingA
ICSACM International Conference on SupercomputingA
ICSMIEEE International Conference on Software MaintenanceA
ICSOCInternational Conference on Service Oriented ComputingA
ICSPInternational Conference on Software ProcessA
ICSPCInternational Conference on Security in Pervasive ComputingA
ICSRInternational Conference on Software ReuseA
ICTLInternational Conference on Temporal LogicA
ICWSIEEE International Conference on Web ServicesA
IDAIntelligent Data AnalysisA
AlifeIEEE International Symposium on Artificial Life IEEEA
CECIEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation IEEEA
INFOCOMIEEE Conference on Computer Communications IEEEA
InfoVisIEEE Information Visualization Conference IEEEA
NCAIEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications IEEEA
VISIEEE Visualization IEEEA
IJCNNIEEE International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksA
IMCInternet Measurement ConferenceA
InteractIFIP TC13 Conference on Human Computer InteractionA
InterspeechAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (was Eurospeech)A
IPCOConference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial OptimizationA
IPDPSIEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (was IPPS and SPDP)A
ISAACInternational Symposium on Algorithms and ComputationA
ISDInternational Conference on Information Systems DevelopmentA
ISMBIntelligent Systems in Molecular BiologyA
ISMMInternational Symposium on Memory ManagementA
ISSREInternational Symposium on Software Reliability EngineeringA
ISSTAInternational Symposium on Software Testing and AnalysisA
ITiCSEAnnual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science EducationA
ITSInternational Conference on Intelligent Tutoring SystemsA
IUIInternational Conference on Intelligent User InterfacesA
JELIALogics in Artificial Intelligence, European ConferenceA
K CAPKnowledge captureA
LPARLogic Programming and Automated ReasoningA
LPNMRInternational Conference on Logic Programming and Non monotonic ReasoningA
MFCSInternational Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceA
MICCAIMedical Image Computing and Computer Assisted InterventionA
MiddlewareACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware ConferenceA
MMCNACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and NetworkingA
MOBIHOCACM Symposium of Mobile and Ad Hoc ComputingA
MobiquitousInternational Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and ServicesA
NAACLNorth American Association for Computational LinguisticsA
NDSSUsenix Network and Distributed System Security SymposiumA
NOSSDAVNetwork and OS Support for Digital A/VA
OCISAoM Organizational Communication and Information SystemsA
PACISPacific Asia Conference on Information SystemsA
PACTInternational Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation TechniquesA
PAKDDPacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningA
PGPacific Conference on Computer Graphics and ApplicationsA
PKDDEuropean Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesA
PPoPPPrinciples and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingA
PPSNParallel Problem Solving from NatureA
QoSAConference on the Quality of Software ArchitecturesA
RANDOMInternational Workshop on Randomization and ComputationA
REIEEE International Requirements Engineering ConferenceA
RSTInternational Conference on Reliable Software TechnologiesA
StiPIEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyA
SASStatic Analysis SymposiumA
SATInternational Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability TestingA
SCACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceA
SCCIEEE International Conference on Services ComputingA
SCGACM Symposium on Computational GeometryA
SDMSIAM International Conference on Data MiningA
SecureComInternational Conference on Security and Privacy for Communication NetworksA
SIGCOMMACM Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer CommunicationA
SIGCSEACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education ConferenceA
SPAASymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and ArchitecturesA
SRDSSymposium on Reliable Distributed SystemsA
SSDBMInternational Conference on Scientific and Statistical Data Base ManagementA
SSPRStructural and Syntactical Pabern RecognitionA
TABLEAUXInternational Conference on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related MethodsA
TACASTools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of SystemsA
TARKTheoretical Aspects of Rationality and KnowledgeA
TCCTheory of Cryptography ConferenceA
TEITangible, Embedded, and Embodied InteractionA
TIMEInternational Symposium on Temporal Representation and ReasoningA
TPHOLsInternational Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (will be ITP from 2010)A
TrustComIEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Trusted Computing and CommunicationsA
UISTACM Symposium on User Interface Software and TechnologyA
USENIXUsenix Annual Technical ConferenceA
USENIXSecurityUsenix Security SymposiumA
VEEInternational Conference on Virtual Execution EnvironmentsA
VL/HCCIEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing (was VL)A
VRSTACM Virtual Reality Software and TechnologyA
WACVIEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer VisionA
WADSAlgorithms and Data Structures Symposium (was Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures)A
WGInternational Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer ScienceA
WICSAIEEE/IFIP Working Conference on Software Architecture (now with ECSA)A
WISEInternational Conference on Web Information Systems EngineeringA

Rank B CS conference

Antonym Name Rank
CodingIMA International Conference on Cryptography andB
ConferenceAustralian Digital ForensicsB
ConferenceAustralian Information Security ManagementB
3DUIIEEE Symposium on 3D User InterfacesB
AAAAECCInternational Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error Correcting CodesB
ACALAustralian Conference on Artificial LifeB
ACCVAsian Conference on Computer VisionB
ACEAustralasian Conference on Computer Science EducationB
ACISPAustralasian Conference on Information Security and PrivacyB
ACIVSAdvanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision SystemsB
ACKMIDSAustralian Conference for Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision SupportB
ACNSInternational Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network SecurityB
ACRAAustralasian Conference on Robotics and AutomationB
ACSACAustralasian Computer Systems Architecture Conference (now Asia Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference)B
ACSCAustralasian Computer Science ConferenceB
ACSDApplication of Concurrency to System DesignB
ADBISSymposium on Advances in DB and Information SystemsB
ADCAustralasian Database ConferenceB
AdComInternational Conference on Advanced Computing and CommunicationsB
ADMAInternational Conference on Advanced Data Mining and ApplicationsB
ADMIInternational Workshop on Agents and Data Mining InteractionB
ADTIInternational Symposium on Advanced DB Technologies and IntegrationB
AgileConference on Agile Software DevelopmentB
AIAustralasian Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceB
AI*IACongress of the Italian Assoc for AIB
AINAInternational Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (was ICOIN)B
AISCAustralasian Information Security ConferenceB
AISTAInternational Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and ApplicationsB
AISTATSInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and StatisticsB
ALPInternational Conference on Algebraic and Logic ProgrammingB
AMTAConference of the Association for Machine Translation in the AmericasB
ANALCOWorkshop on Analytic Algorithms and CombinatoricsB
ANNIEArtificial Neural Networks in Engineering ConferenceB
ANTSInternational Workshop on Ant ColonyB
AofAConference on Analysis of AlgorithmsB
AOISAgent Oriented Information Systems WorkshopB
APBCAsia Pacific Bioinformatics ConferenceB
APCCMAsia Pacific Conference on Conceptual ModellingB
APLASASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsB
ARESInternational Conference on Availability, Reliability and SecurityB
AsiaCCSACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications SecurityB
ASIANAsian Computing Science ConferenceB
ASIVAustralian Symposium on Information VisualisationB
ASWECAustralian Software Engineering ConferenceB
AUICAustralasian User Interface ConferenceB
AusDMAustralian Data Mining ConferenceB
AVIAdvanced Visual InterfacesB
AWOCAAustralasian Workshop on Combinatorial AlgorithmsB
AWREAustralian Workshop on Requirements EngineeringB
BECCBled Electronic Commerce ConferenceB
BISInternational Conference on Business Information SystemsB
BMVCBritish Machine Vision ConferenceB
BNCODBritish National Conference on DatabasesB
CAADRIAAssociation for Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) annual conferenceB
CAAICanadian Artificial Intelligence ConferenceB
CAANWorkshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of NetworkingB
CAIAConference on Artificial Intelligence for ApplicationsB
CAIPInternational Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and PabernsB
CANSInternational Conference on Cryptology and Network SecurityB
CATACCultural Altudes towards Technology and CommunicationsB
CATSComputing: The Australasian Theory SymposiumB
CDIFIP/ACM Working Conference on Component DeploymentB
CEASInternational Conference on Email and Anti SpamB
CGIComputer Graphics InternationalB
CIAAInternational Conference on Implementation and Application of AutomataB
CICLINGInternational Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational LinguisticsB
CISISComputational Intelligence in Security for Information SystemsB
CISTMConference on Information Science, Technology and ManagementB
CITBComplexity and information theoretic approaches to biologyB
CLOUDIEEE International Conference on Cloud ComputingB
COCOAConference on Combinatorial Optimization and ApplicationsB
COGROBOInternational Cognitive Robotics ConferenceB
CollECTeRCollaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and ResearchB
COMADInternational Conference on Management of DataB
ENSESymposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning COMMONSB
ComplexityIEEE Conference on Computational ComplexityB
CompLifeInternational Symposium on Computational Life ScienceB
COMPSACInternational Computer Software and Applications ConferenceB
Conf IRMInternational Conference on Information Resources ManagementB
COPLASWorkshop on Constraint Satisfaction for Planning and SchedulingB
CPAIORInternational Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsB
CPMCombinatorial Pabern MatchingB
CSCWDInternational Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in DesignB
CWInternational Conference on Cyberworlds (was International Symposium on Cyberworlds)B
DAGMDeutsche ArbeitsgemeinschaG f??r Mustererkennung DAGM e.VB
DAISIFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Inoperable SystemsB
DALTDeclarative Agent Languages and TechnologiesB
DaWaKData Warehousing and Knowledge DiscoveryB
DBtiISInternational Baltic Conference on Databases and Information SystemsB
DBPLDatabases and Programming LanguageB
DCOSSIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor SystemsB
DEXAInternational Conference on Database and Expert Systems ApplicationsB
DGOInternational Conference on Digital Government ResearchB
DIAGRAMSThe Theory and Application of DiagramsB
DICTADigital Image Computing Techniques and ApplicationsB
DIMEAACM International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and ArtsB
DISDesigning Interactive SystemsB
DLSDynamic Languages SymposiumB
DLTDevelopments in Language TheoryB
DMTCSInternational Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceB
DNAInternational Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular ProgrammingB
DOLAPInternational Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAPB
DSOMIFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems Operations and ManagementB
DUXDesign for User ExperienceB
EAMTConference of the European Association for Machine TranslationB
ECACM Conference on Electronic CommerceB
ECALEuropean Conference on Artificial LifeB
ECCBEuropean Conference on Computational BiologyB
ECIREuropean Conference on Information RetrievalB
ECSCWEuropean Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative WorkB
ECWebInternational Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web TechnologyB
EDMEducational Data MiningB
EDOCIEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing ConferenceB
EGPGVEurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and VisualizationB
EGVEEurographics Symposium on Virtual EnvironmentsB
EKAWInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge ManagementB
EKMEuropean Conference on Knowledge ManagementB
EMCISEuropean, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information SystemsB
ENASEInternational Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software EngineeringB
EPIAPortuguese Conference on Artificial IntelligenceB
PERCIM Annual Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming ERCIM/CSCLB
ESANNEuropean Symposium on Artificial Neural NetworksB
ESECEuropean Software Engineering ConferenceB
ESMEuropean Simulation MultiConferenceB
ESSEuropean Simulation SymposiumB
EuAdaAda Europe International Conference on Reliable Software TechnologiesB
EUROGPEuropean Conference on Genetic ProgrammingB
EuroNLGEuropean Natural Language Generation WorkshopB
EUROPKIEuropean PKI Workshop: Theory and PracticeB
EuroPLopEuropean Conference on Pabern Languages of ProgramsB
EuroSPIEuropean SPIB
EuroVisEurographics/IEEE Symposium on VisualizationB
FASEFundamental Approaches to Software EngineeringB
FAWInternational Frontiers of Algorithmics WorkshopB
FCKAMLFrench Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Machine LearningB
FEMInternational Conference on Formal Engineering MethodsB
FINCRYFinancial CryptographyB
FLINSInternational Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science ConferenceB
FPSACFormal Power Series and Algebraic CombinatoricsB
FSEInternational Workshop on Fast Software EncryptionB
FSTtiTCSFoundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer ScienceB
FTPInternational Workshops on First Order Theorem ProvingB
FUNConference on Fun with AlgorithmsB
GDNInternational Conference of Society for Group Decision and NegotiationB
GIGraphics InterfaceB
GITMAGlobal Information Technology Management Association World ConferenceB
GMPGeometry Modeling and ProcessingB
GPCEInternational Conference on Generative Programming and Component EngineeringB
GroupACM Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work (was SIGGRoup)B
HASEIEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems EngineeringB
HCWHeterogeneity in Computing WorkshopB
HDKMAustralasian Workshop on Health Data and Knowledge ManagementB
HOTIIEEE Symposium on High Performance InterconnectsB
HotPowerWorkshop on Power Aware Computing and SystemsB
HotWebIEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and TechnologiesB
AsiaInternational Conference and Exhibition on High Performance Computing in the Asia Pacific Region HPCB
HPCCIEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and CommunicationsB
HPCNCSInternational Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication SystemsB
I SPANInternational Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and NetworksB
IAAIInnovative Applications in AIB
IAWTICInternational Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies, and Internet CommerceB
IBIMAInternational Business Information ManagementB
ICInternational Conference on Internet ComputingB
ICA3PPInternational Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel ProcessingB
ICACIEEE International Conference on Autonomic ComputingB
ICANNInternational Conference on Artificial Neural NetworksB
ICATInternational Conference on Artificial Reality and TelexistenceB
ICATPNInternational Conference on the Application and Theory of Petri NetsB
ICCEInternational Conference on Computers in EducationB
ICCSInternational Conference on Conceptual StructuresB
ICDCNInternational Conference on Distributed Computing and NetworkingB
ICDSCACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart CamerasB
ICEBInternational Conference on e BusinessB
ICEBEIEEE International Conference on e Business EngineeringB
ICERInternational Computing Education Research WorkshopB
ICFHRInternational Conference on Frontiers of Handwriting RecognitionB
ICGAInternational Conference on Genetic AlgorithmsB
ICGTInternational Conference on Graph TransformationsB
ICIAPInternational Conference on Image Analysis and ProcessingB
ICICSInternational Conference on Information and Communications SecurityB
ICICSInternational Conference on Information, Communications and Signal ProcessingB
ICIERInternational Conference on Informatics Education and ResearchB
ICIPIEEE International Conference on Image ProcessingB
ICISCInternational Conference on Information Security and CryptologyB
ICISSInternational Conference on Information Systems SecurityB
ICMEIEEE International Conference on Multimedia and ExpoB
ICMIInternational Conference on Multimodal InterfacesB
ICMSInternational Conference on Multiagent SystemsB
ICMTInternational Conference on Model TransformationB
ICNNIEEE International Conference on Neural NetworksB
ICPADSInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed SystemsB
ICPRInternational Conference on Pabern RecognitionB
ICSCInternational Computer Science ConferenceB
ICSoGInternational Conference on Software and Data TechnologiesB
ICTACInternational Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of ComputingB
ICTAIInternational Conference on Tools with Artificial IntelligenceB
ICWITSIEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and SystemsB
IDEASInternational Database Engineering and Applications SymposiumB
IEInteractive EntertainmentB
CCNCIEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference IEEEB
DS RTIEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real time Applications IEEEB
HPCSIEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation IEEEB
SECIFIP International Information Security Conference IFIPB
IFMIntegrated Formal MethodsB
IFSAIFSA World CongressB
IJCNLPInternational Joint Conference on Natural Language ProcessingB
ILPInductive Logic ProgrammingB
INDOCRYPTInternational Conference on Cryptology in IndiaB
INLGInternational Natural Language Generation ConferenceB
InscryptSKLOIS Conference on Information Security and CryptologyB
IPCCCIEEE International Performance Computing and Communications ConferenceB
ISAIMInternational Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and MathsB
ISCInformation Security ConferenceB
ISCCIEEE Symposium on Computers and CommunicationsB
ISEATIntegration of Software Engineering and Agent TechnologyB
ISECONInformation Systems Education ConferenceB
ISESEInternational Symposium on Empirical Software EngineeringB
ISITIEEE International Symposium on Information TheoryB
ISITAInternational Symposium on Information Theory and Its ApplicationsB
ISKEInternational Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge EngineeringB
ISMMInternational Symposium on Mathematical MorphologyB
ISPAIEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with ApplicationsB
ISPECInformation Security Practice and Experience ConferenceB
ISTAInternational Conference on Information Systems Technology and its ApplicationB
ITAInternational Conference on Internet Technologies and ApplicationsB
ITWInformation Theory WorkshopB
IVInternational Conference on Information VisualisationB
IVAIntelligent Virtual AgentsB
IVCNZImage and Vision Computing ConferenceB
IWANNInternational Work Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural NetworksB
IWCASEInternational Workshop on Computer Aided Software EngB
IWOCAInternational Workshop on Combinatorial AlgorithmB
IWPInternational Workshop on ParaphrasingB
IWPECInternational Workshop on Parameterized and Exact ComputationB
IWQoSIEEE International Workshop on Quality of ServiceB
IWSECInternational Workshop on SecurityB
JMLCJoint Modular Languages ConferenceB
JSSPPWorkshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel ProcessingB
KESInternational Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering SystemsB
CallingBaltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research KoliB
KSEMInternational Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and ManagementB
LATINInternational Symposium on Latin American Theoretical InformaticsB
LDTALanguage Descriptions, Tools and ApplicationsB
LENLSLogic and Engineering of Natural Language SemanticsB
LFCSLogical Foundations of Computer ScienceB
LOPSTRInternational Symposium on Logic based Program Synthesis and TransformationB
MATESGerman Conference on Multi Agent system TechnologiesB
MCUUniversal Machines and ComputationsB
MDAIInternational Conference on Modelling Decisions for Artificial IntelligenceB
MEDINFOWorld Congress on Medical InformaticsB
MEGAMethods Effectives en Geometrie AlgebriqueB
MIRACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information RetrievalB
MLMIJoint workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (now ICMI MLMI)B
MMVRMedicine Meets Virtual RealityB
MobileHCIInternational Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and ServicesB
MobisysACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and ServicesB
MODELSInternational Conference on the Unified Modelling Language (was UML)B
MOMMInternational Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and MultimediaB
MPCMathematics of Program ConstructionB
MPCSInternational Conference on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsB
MPPOIMassively Parallel Processing Using Optional InterconnectionsB
SUMMITMachine Translation Summit MTB
NSDISymposium on Networked Systems, Design and ImplementationB
NSSInternational Conference on network and System SecurityB
ODPIFIP International Conference on Open Distributed ProcessingB
OPODISInternational Conference on Principles of Distributed SystemsB
ORGSEMThe organizational semiotics ConferenceB
OZCHIAustralian Computer Human Interaction ConferenceB
OzWITAustralian Women in IT ConferenceB
PACESPacific Asian Conference on Expert SystemsB
PacificVisIEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (was APVIS)B
PACLICPacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and ComputationB
PACLINGConference of the Pacific Association for Computational LinguisticsB
PADLPractical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesB
PADSACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel and Distributed SimulationB
PAMPassive and Active Measurement ConferenceB
PASTEACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and EngineeringB
PATATPractice and Theory of Automated TimetablingB
PDCParticipatory Design ConferenceB
PDCATInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and TechnologiesB
PDPTAInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and ApplicationsB
PEPMACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program ManipulationB
PersuasiveInternational Conference on Persuasive TechnologyB
PETInternational Workshop of Privacy Enhancing TechnologiesB
PKAWPacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition WorkshopB
PKCInternational Conference/Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key CryptographyB
PLOPPabern Languages of ProgramsB
PLOSWorkshop on Programming Languages and Operating SystemsB
PPDPInternational Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative ProgrammingB
PPIGAnnual PPIG WorkshopB
PRDCPacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable ComputingB
PRESENCEAnnual International Workshop on PresenceB
PRICAIPacific Rim International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceB
PRIMAPacific Rim International Workshop on Multi AgentsB
PROFESProduct Focused Software Process ImprovementB
PROMASInternational Workshop Programming Multi Agent SystemsB
PROSimInternational Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modelling (now ICSP)B
ProvSecInternational Conference on Provable SecurityB
PSIErshov ConferenceB
PSIVTPacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video TechnologyB
QSICInternational Conference on Quality SoftwareB
QualITInternational Conference on Qualitative Research in IT ti IT in Qualitative ResearchB
RAIDInternational Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion DetectionB
RCISInternational Conference on Research Challenges in Information ScienceB
RECOMBInternational Conference on Computational Molecular BiologyB
RecSysACM International Conference on Recommender SystemsB
REFSQInternational Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software QualityB
REVInternational Workshop on Requirements Engineering VisualizationB
RIDEInternational Workshop on Research Issues in Data EngineeringB
RoboCupRobot Soccer World CupB
RSARSA ConferenceB
SACACM Symposium on Applied ComputingB
SACSelected Areas in CryptographyB
SAFECOMPInternational Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and SecurityB
SAGTInternational Symposium on Algorithmic Game TheoryB
SARASymposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and ApproximationB
SBAC PADInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance ComputingB
SCInternational Conference on Software CompositionB
SCAACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer AnimationB
SCAIScandinavian Conference on Artificial IntelligenceB
SCNConference on Security and Cryptography for NetworksB
SCSCSummer Computer Simulation ConferenceB
SEAInternational Symposium on Experimental AlgorithmsB
SEALAsia Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and LearningB
SECRYPTInternational Conference on Information Security and CryptographyB
SEFMInternational Conference on Software Engineering and Formal MethodsB
SEKEInternational Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringB
SEQAPPInternational Conference on Sequences and their ApplicationsB
SERVICESIEEE Congress on ServicesB
SGPSymposium on Geometry ProcessingB
ASIAInternational Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia SIGGRAPHB
SIGSPATIALACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information SystemsB
SIROCCOInternational Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication ComplexityB
SLEInternational Conference on Software Language EngineeringB
SMCIEEE Conference on Systems, Man and CyberneticsB
SOFSEMCurrent Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer ScienceB
SoMeTInternational Conference on Software Methods and ToolsB
SPICISSingapore International Conference on Intelligent SystemsB
SPIREInternational Symposium on String Processing and Information RetrievalB
SPMACM Symposium on Solid and Physical ModellingB
SSTAustralasian Speech Science and TechnologyB
STACSInternational Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceB
STCACM Workshop on Scalable Trusted ComputingB
STEPSoftware Technology and Engineering Practice ConferenceB
SWATScandinavian Workshop on Algorithm TheoryB
SWDCInternational Conference on Software DevelopmentB
TabletopInternational Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human Computer SystemsB
TAMCConference on Theory and Applications of Models of ComputationB
TAPInternational Conference on Tests and ProofsB
TMIInternational Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in machine TranslationB
TridentComTechnology of Object Oriented Languages and Systems Europe TOOLS Europe B 0803 Computer Software 44105 Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and CommunitiesB
TrustBusInternational Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital BusinessB
UICInternational Conference on Ubiquitous and Intelligence ComputingB
UKSSUnited Kingdom Systems SocietyB
UMInternational Conference on User Modelling (now UMAP)B
UMAPInternational Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation, and Personalization (was AH and UM)B
UMCUnconventional Models of ComputationB
UMLUnified Modelling LanguageB
VCIPSPIE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image ProcessingB
VDBVisual Database SystemsB
VecParInternational Conference on Vector and Parallel ProcessingB
VISSOFTIEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and AnalysisB
VMCAIVerification, Model Checking and Abstract InterpretationB
VRIEEE Virtual Reality ConferenceB
VSMMInternational Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMediaB
WABIWorkshop on Algorithms in BioinformaticsB
WAEWorkshop on Algorithm EngineeringB
WAOAWorkshop on Approximation and Online AlgorithmsB
WCCInternational Workshop on Coding and CryptographyB
WCESWorld Congress on Expert SystemsB
WCNNWorld Congress on Neural NetworksB
WCREIEEE Working Conference on Reverse EngineeringB
WCWInternational Workshop on Web Content Caching and DistributionB
WEAInternational Workshop on Efficient AlgorithmsB
WETICEInternational Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative EnterprisesB
WIDMACM Workshop on Web Information and Data ManagementB
WIKISYMInternational Symposiums on WikisB
WoLLICWorkshop on Logic, Language, Information and ComputationB
WSCWinter Simulation ConferenceB
WSCGInternational Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer VisionB
WSDMACM International Conference on Web Search and Data MiningB
XPInternational Conference on extreme Programming and Flexible Processes in Software EngineeringB

Rank C CS conference

Antonym Name Rank
ComputingSoutheastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, andC
FunctionsECRYPT Workshop on Cryptographic HashC
CryptanalysisECRYPT Workshop on Tools forC
BeneluxSymposium on Information Theory in theC
CryptographyThe Claude Shannon Workshop on Coding andC
3DIM3 D Digital Imaging and ModellingC
3DPVTInternational Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and TransmissionC
3GInternational Conference on 3G Mobile Communication TechnologiesC
AAACInternational Workshop on Advanced Architectures and Algorithms for Internet Delivery and Applications AAA IDEA C 0806 Information Systems 44077 Symposium of Asian Association for Algorithms and ComputationC
AAIMConference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and ManagementC
ACACAthens Colloquium on Algorithms and ComplexityC
ACACAustralasian Computer Architecture ConferenceC
ACAIAdvanced Course on Artificial IntelligenceC
ACCApplied Computing ConferenceC
ACCMCCAustralasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial ComputingC
ACECAustralasian Computers in Education ConferenceC
ACGWorkshop on Algorithms, Combinatorics, and GeometryC
ACHIInternational Conference on Advances in Computer Human InteractionsC
ACIDAlgorithms and Complexity in DurhamC
ACIIInternational Conference on Affective Computing and IntelligentC
ACMAAustralasian Computer Music ConferenceC
ACNNAustralian Conference on Neural NetworksC
ACOSMAustralian Conference on Software MetricsC
ACP4ISWorkshop on Aspects, Components, and Paberns for Infrastructure SoftwareC
ACSAustralian Supercomputing ConferenceC
ADVISAdvances in Information SystemsC
AFAANZAccounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand ConferenceC
AFIPSAmerican Federation of Information Processing SocietiesC
AFRIGRAPHInternational Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in AfricaC
AGDCAustralian Game Developers ConferenceC
AICCSAACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and ApplicationsC
AICEAustralian Institute of Computer Ethics ConferenceC
AIKMArtificial Intelligence in Knowledge ManagementC
AIPRInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pabern RecognitionC
AIRSAsia Information Retrieval SymposiumC
AISAdvances in Intelligent SystemsC
AISATInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and TechnologyC
AISPAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyC
AISWWorkshop on Australasian Information Security, Data Mining and Web Intelligence, and Software InternationalisationC
AISW PETAustralasian Information Security Workshop 2007 (Privacy Enhancing Technologies)C
AITCAdvances in the Theory of ComputingC
AJWIESAustralia Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary SystemsC
AKAWAustralian Knowledge Acquisition WorkshopC
ALICESIAM Workshop on Algorithms for Listing, Counting, and EnumerationC
ALPITInternational Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web Information TechnologyC
AMASTAlgebraic Methodology and Software TechnologyC
AmIEuropean Conference on Ambient IntelligenceC
AMIGEIEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized EnterprisesC
Aml.dAmbient Intelligence DevelopmentsC
AMOCAsian International Mobile Computing ConferenceC
AMSAsia International Conference on Modelling and SimulationC
ANNESConference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert systemsC
ANSSAnnual Simulation SymposiumC
ANZAMAustralian and New Zealand Academy of Management ConferenceC
ANZIISAustralian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems ConferenceC
ANZMACAustralian and New Zealand Marketing Academy ConferenceC
ANZMODSThe Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand MeetingC
AO AsiaAspect Orientation AsiaC
AOIRInternet ResearchC
AOMWorkshop on Aspect Oriented ModellingC
AOSEAgent Oriented Software Engineering WorkshopC
APDSIAsia Pacific Decision Science Institute ConferenceC
APGVApplied Perception in Graphics and VisualizationC
APNOMSAsia Pacific Network Operations and Management SymposiumC
APORSConference of the Association of Asian Pacific Operational Research SocietiesC
APRSAISAsia Pacific Research Symposium on Accounting Information SystemsC
APRTSAustralasian Conference on Parallel and Real Time SystemsC
APSCCAsia Pacific Services Computing ConferenceC
APSECAsia Pacific Software Engineering ConferenceC
APVISAsia Pacific Symposium on VisualisationC
APWEBAsia Pacific Web ConferenceC
AQSDTSymposium on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev ToolsC
ARACNEWorkshop on Approximation and Randomization Algorithms in Communication NetworksC
ARITHIEEE Symposium on Computer ArithmeticC
AROBInternational Symposium on Artificial Life and RoboticsC
ARTDBActive and Real Time Database SystemsC
ArtsITInternational Conference on Arts and TechnologyC
ARVLSIAdvanced Research in VLSIC
ASAIArgentine Symposium on Artificial IntelligenceC
ASCILITEAnnual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary EducationC
ASCMAsian Symposium on Computer MathematicsC
ASM(W)International Workshop on Abstract State MachinesC
ASRISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop Automatic Speech RecognitionC
ASRUIEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding WorkshopC
ASTAutomation of Software TestC
ATCInternational Conference on Autonomic and Trusted ComputingC
ATMOSWorkshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and SystemsC
AUCWorkshop on Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous computingC
AUCADCApple University Consortium Academic and Developers ConferenceC
AuCSSAustralasian Cognitive Science Society ConferenceC
AURISAAustralasian Urban and Regional Information Systems Association ConferenceC
AuRWAustralasian Refinement WorkshopC
AusGridAustralasian Symposium on Grid Computing and e Research (now AusPDC)C
AusPDCAustralasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (was AusGrid)C
AusWebAustralian World Wide Web ConferenceC
AUUGAustralian UNIX Users Group National ConferenceC
AWICInternational Atlantic Web Intelligence ConferenceC
AWSAAustralian Workshop on Software ArchitectureC
BCS FMWBritish Computer Society Formal Aspects of Computing Science Specialist Group WorkshopC
BCTCSBritish Colloquium for Theoretical Computer ScienceC
BFCAInternational Workshop on Boolean Functions: Cryptography and ApplicationsC
BIBEIEEE Bioinformatics and BioengineeringC
BICCIFIP Conference on Biologically Inspired Collaborative ComputingC
BioVizBioinformatics VisualizationC
BPDInternational Workshop on Business Process DesignC
BPIInternational Workshop on Business Process IntelligenceC
BPMDSInternational Workshop on Business Process Modelling, Development, and SupportC
BSNBody Sensor NetworksC
BuiltVizVisualisation in Built EnvironmentC
C#International Workshop on C# and .NET TechnologiesC
C5International Conference on Creating Connecting and Collaborating through ComputingC
CAINEISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and EngineeringC
CAivDEComputer Animation, Information Visualisation, and Digital EffectsC
CanaDAMCanadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics ConferenceC
CATAInternational Conference on Computers and their ApplicationsC
CCAInternational Conference on Computability and Complexity in AnalysisC
CCCGCanadian Conference on Computational GeometryC
CCGWorkshop on Computational and Conformal GeometryC
CCSCJournal of Computing Science in Colleges (Conference proceedings)C
CDBConstraint Databases and ApplicationsC
CDVECooperative Design, Visualization, and EngineeringC
CECIEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce Technology (merger of CEC and EEE)C
CEGComputing in Education Group of Victoria ConferenceC
CEREInternational Workshop on Comparative Evaluation in Requirements EngineeringC
CERIASInformation Security SymposiumC
CFETInternational Conference on Cybercrime Forensics Education and TrainingC
CFPConference on Computers, Freedom, and PrivacyC
CGAWorkshop on Computational Geometry and ApplicationsC
CGALCGAL User WorkshopC
CGCCGC Workshop on Computational GeometryC
CGIEJoint International Conference on CyberGames and Interactive EntertainmentC
CGIVInternational Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and VisualizationC
CGTDGConference on Graph Theory and Discrete GeometryC
CGWAnnual Fall Workshop on Computational GeometryC
CHESWorkshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded SystemsC
ChiliPLoPSouthwestern Conference on Pabern Languages of ProgramsC
ChinaGridChinaGrid Annual ConferenceC
CHINZACM SIGCHI_NZ Conference on Human Computer InteractionC
CHKVCultural Heritage Knowledge VisualisationC
CIACInternational Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (was Italian Conference )C
CIARPIberoAmerican Congress on Pabern RecognitionC
CICInternational Conference on Communications in ComputingC
CiEComputability in Europe: Logic and Theory of AlgorithmsC
CIEAEMConference of the Commission Internationale pour l'Etude et l'Amelioration de l'Enseignement des MathematiquesC
CIGIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and GamesC
CIHSPSIEEE International Conference on Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal SafetyC
CIISPIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal ProcessingC
CIMAInternational Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and ApplicationsC
CIMCAInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and AutomationC
CIMSAIEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and ApplicationsC
CIRASInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous SystemsC
CISIEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent SystemsC
CISInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and SecurityC
CISEInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software EngineeringC
CISIMInternational Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management ApplicationsC
CISISInternational Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive SystemsC
CISSConference on Information Sciences and SystemsC
CISSTInternational Conference Imaging Science, Systems and TechnologyC
CITIEEE International Conference on Computer and Information TechnologyC
CLADEChallenges of Large Applications in Distributed EnvironmentsC
CLEILatin American Conference on InformaticsC
CloudComInternational Conference on Cloud ComputingC
CMSJoint Working Conference on Secure Information Networks: Communications and Multimedia SecurityC
CMVCoordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory VisualizationC
CNNAIEEE International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and ApplicationsC
COInternational Symposium on Combinatorial OptimisationC
CODASInternational Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsC
CODATACommibee on Data for Science and TechnologyC
ComInternational Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networks, Applications and Worksharing CollaborateC
ComAIFranco Canadian Workshop on Combinatorial AlgorithmsC
TexasCombinaTexas: Combinatorics in the South Central U.S. CombinaC
ComplexAsia Pacific Conference on Complex SystemsC
DAustralasian Compumod Users' Conference COMPUMOC
COMSWAREInternational Conference on Communication System Software and MiddlewareC
CONPARConference on Algorithms and Hardware for Parallel ProcessingC
CONTEXTInternational and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modelling and Using ContextC
CORConference on Operations ResearchC
CORIAConf??rence en Recherche d'information et ApplicationsC
CosignInternational Conference on Computational Semiotics for Games and New MediaC
COVComplex Objects Visualization WorkshopC
CPDConstraint Programming DayC
CRiSISInternational Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and SystemsC
CRITISInternational Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures SecurityC
CRVCanadian Conference on Computer and Robot VisionC
CryPACCryptography Policy and Algorithms ConferenceC
sCrypto'Puces Crypto'PuceC
CSCACM Annual Computer Science ConferenceC
CSEEtiTConference on Software Engineering Education and TrainingC
CSICCInternational CSI Computer ConferenceC
CSLAnnual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science LogicC
CSMREuropean Conference on Software Maintenance and ReengineeringC
CSRInternational Computer Science Symposium in RussiaC
CSRCComputer Science Research ConferenceC
CTComputational Topology WorkshopC
CTACComputational Techniques and Applications ConferenceC
CTSInternational Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and SystemsC
CTWCologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial OptimizationC
DAARCDiscourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution ColloquiumC
DACDigital Arts and CultureC
DAGDiscrete and Algorithmic GeometryC
DASCInternational Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure ComputingC
DASDSymposium on Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed SystemsC
DASWISData Semantics in Web Information SystemsC
DAVizDesign and Aesthetics in VisualisationC
DCInternational Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata ApplicationsC
DCMInternational Workshop on Developments in Computational ModelsC
DcwDistributed Communities on the Web WorkshopC
DDDMInternational Workshop on Domain Driven Data MiningC
DECIIEEE Information Theory Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification and ImagingC
DEPCoSInternational Conference on Dependability of Computer SystemsC
DFMAInternational Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia ApplicationsC
DGCIInternational Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer ImageryC
DGWDynamic Graph WorkshopC
DIGRADigital Games Research ConferenceC
DIMAConference on Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and their ApplicationC
IntrinsicDIMACS Workshop on Intrinsic Complexity of Computation DIMACSC
DIMVAGI International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability AssessmentC
DITWInternationale Tagung WirtschaGsinformatikC
DIVCJoint Australia and New Zealand Biennial Conference on Digital Image and Vision ComputingC
DMSIAM Conference on Discrete MathematicsC
DM CCGDiscrete Models: Combinatorics, Computation and GeometryC
DMDWDesign and Management of Data WarehousesC
DMKDWorkshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryC
DMVCVisMasters Design Modelling and Visualization ConferenceC
DP COOLWorkshop on Declarative Programming in the Context of OO LanguagesC
DRMACM Digital Rights Management WorkshopC
DSAAInternational Conference on Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsC
DSALDomain Specific Aspect LanguagesC
DSIAnnual Meeting of the Decision Sciences InstituteC
DSKDBInternational Colloquium on Data Sciences, Knowledge Discovery and Business IntelligenceC
DSLSEDomain Specific Languages for Software EngineeringC
DSMWorkshop on Domain Specific ModellingC
DTVEWorkshop on Database Technology for Virtual EnterprisesC
DutchCGDutch Computational Geometry DayC
EANNInternational Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural NetworksC
AspectsWorkshop on Aspect Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design EarlyC
ECCEuropean Computing ConferenceC
ECCWorkshop on Elliptic Curve CryptographyC
ECCOEuropean Chapter on Combinatorial OptimizationC
ECDMInternational Workshop on Evolution and Change in Data ManagementC
ECEGEuropean Conference on e GovernmentC
ECIMEEuropean Conference on Information Management and EvaluationC
ECIWEuropean Conference of Information WarfareC
ECOWSIEEE European Conference on Web ServicesC
ECRMEuropean Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management StudiesC
ECSQARUEuropean Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with UncertaintyC
ECUMNEuropean Conference on Universal Multiservice NetworksC
EDMSymposium on Discrete MathematicsC
EDSERInternational Workshop on Economics Driven Software Engineering ResearchC
EEEIEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E Commerce and E ServicesC
EGCFrench Speaking Conference on the Extraction and Management of KnowledgeC
EGCSpanish Meeting on Computational GeometryC
EGEEEnabling Grids for E Science European ConferenceC
EICAREuropean Institute for Computer Anti Virus Research EICAR ConferenceC
EISWTInternational Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web TechnologiesC
EJCEuropean Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge BasesC
ELWEuropean Lisp WorkshopC
EMMSADExploring Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and DesignC
ENCMexican International Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science (was Mexican International Conference on Computer Science)C
ENTERInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in TourismC
EOMASInternational Workshop on Enterprise and Organizational Modelling and SimulationC
EPAnnual Conference on Evolutionary ProgrammingC
EQISERATO Conference on Quantum Information ScienceC
ESASEuropean Workshop on Security and Privacy in Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksC
ESCAPESymposium On Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental MethodologiesC
ESGICTEuropean Symposium on Gender and ICTC
EUCIEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous ComputingC
EUFITEuropean Congress on Intelligent Techniques and SoG ComputingC
EUMASEuropean Workshop on Multi Agent SystemsC
EUROEuropean Conference on Operations ResearchC
VREuro Virtual Reality EuroC
EuroCGEuropean Workshop on Computational GeometryC
EuroCOLTEuropean Conference on Computational Learning Theory (Now in COLT)C
EUroCombEuroConference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and ApplicationsC
PIEuropean PVM/MPI Users' Group Conference EuroPVM/MC
EVOTEInternational Conference on Electronic VotingC
EVTUSENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology WorkshopC
ExtremeExtreme Markup LanguagesC
F and BFinite Differences Finite Elements Finite Volumes Boundary ElementsC
FATESA Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of SoftwareC
FCCFormal and Computational CryptographyC
FCSTJapan China Joint Workshop on Frontier of Computer Science and TechnologyC
FDGInternational Conference on the Foundations of Digital GamesC
FDLForum on Specification, Verification and Design LanguagesC
FDPEFunctional and Declarative Programming in EducationC
FDTCWorkshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in CryptographyC
FEWFDBFar East Workshop on Future DB SystemsC
FGIEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture RecognitionC
FITInternational Conference on Frontiers of Information TechnologyC
FlAIRSFlorida Artificial Intelligence Research Society ConferenceC
FMICSInt. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsC
FMISInternational Workshop on Formal Methods for interactive SystemsC
FMLDOInternational Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and ObjectsC
FMOODInternational Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object Based Distributed SystemsC
FMPFormal Methods PacificC
FMPPTAInternational Workshop on Formal Methods for Parallel Programming: Theory and ApplicationsC
FMSEACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering: From Specifications to CodeC
FMSEDSFormal Methods in Software Engineering and Defence Systems WorkshopC
FOALFoundations of Aspect Oriented LanguagesC
FOOLInternational Workshop on Foundations of Object Oriented LanguagesC
FOSSACSFoundations of Software Science and Computational StructuresC
FQASFlexible Query Answering SystemsC
FSKDInternational Conference on Fuzzy Systems and KnowledgeC
FTDCSIEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing SystemsC
FTJPWorkshop on Formal Techniques for Java ProgramsC
FUSENew Zealand Game Developers ConferenceC
FUSIONInternational Conference on Information FusionC
GADAInternational Conference on Grid computing, high performance and Distributed ApplicationsC
yMSRI Combinatorial Game Theory Research Workshop GameTheorC
GCAInternational Conference on Grid Computing and ApplicationsC
GCCInternational Conference on Grid and Cooperative ComputingC
GCCCEGlobal Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationC
GDCGame Developers ConferenceC
GEFSInternational Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy SystemsC
GeoDSIAM Conference on Geometric DesignC
UncertaintyWorkshop on Uncertainty in Geometric Computations GEOMC
GeomFestGeometry Festival: An international workshop on Discrete Geometry and RigidityC
GeoVizGeoVisualization and Information VisualizationC
GHCGrace Hopper Celebration of Women in ComputingC
GIIEEE Global Internet SymposiumC
GISPlanetGIS Planet ConferenceC
GOInternational Workshop on Global OptimizationC
GOCPInternational Workshop on Group Oriented Cryptographic ProtocolsC
GPCInternational Conference on Grid and Pervasive ComputingC
GRACOBrazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and CombinatoricsC
Graph hocWorkshop on Applications of Graph Theory in Wireless Ad hoc Networks and Sensor NetworksC
GrCIEEE International Conference on Granular ComputingC
GWCInternational Wordnet Conference (Global Wordnet Conference)C
HAIInternational Workshop on Human Aspects in Ambient Intelligence: Agent Technology, Human Oriented Knowledge and ApplicationsC
HAISInternational Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence SystemsC
HASKELLHaskell WorkshopC
HealthComInternational Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Health Care IndustryC
HealthinfInternational Conference on Health InformaticsC
HICHealth Informatics ConferenceC
HIPSInternational Workshop on High Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive EnvironmentsC
HISInternational Conference on Hybrid Intelligent SystemsC
HISHuman System InteractionC
HLPPInternational workshop on High Level Parallel Programming and ApplicationsC
HOTMOBILEWorkshop on Mobile Computing Systems and ApplicationsC
HotP2PInternational Workshop on Hot topics in Peer to Peer SystemsC
HotSWUpACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software UpgradesC
HPCSCanadaHigh Performance Computing Symposium CanadaC
HPGridHigh Performance Grid Computing Workshop (part of IPDPS Conference)C
HPSCInternational Conference on High Performance Scientific ComputingC
HUNABCHungarian National Conference on Agent Based ComputationC
IAIFInternational Workshop on Image Analysis and Information FusionC
IAIMAnnual Conference of the International Academy for Information ManagementC
IARTWIEEE International Augmented Reality Toolkit WorkshopC
IASInternational Symposium on Information Assurance and SecurityC
IATIEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent TechnologyC
IBPRIAIberian Conference on Pabern Recognition and Image AnalysisC
IC AIInternational Conference on Artificial IntelligenceC
IC3KInternational Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge ManagementC
ICAARTInternational Conference on Agents and Artificial IntelligenceC
ICAILInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and LawC
ICAISIEEE International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent SystemsC
ICAISCInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and SoG ComputingC
ICANNGAInternational Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing AlgorithmsC
ICAPRDTInternational Conference on Advances in Pabern Recognition and Digital TechniquesC
ICCAMInternational Congress on Computational and Applied MathematicsC
ICCBRInternational Conference on Case Based Reasoning Research and DevelopmentC
ICCBSSIEEE International Conference on COTS Based Software SystemsC
ICCCIEEE International Conference on Computational CyberneticsC
ICCCInternational Conference on Chinese ComputingC
ICCCIInternational Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence: Semantic Web, Social Networks and Multiagent SystemsC
ICCHPInternational Conference on Computers Helping People with Special NeedsC
ICCIIEEE International Conference on Cognitive InformaticsC
ICCIMAInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and MultimediaC
ICCITInternational Conference on Computer and Information TechnologyC
ICCMInternational Congress of Chinese MathematiciansC
ICCPIEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and ProcessingC
ICCSAInternational Conference on Computational Science and ApplicationsC
ICCTAInternational Conference on Computer Theory and ApplicationsC
ICDCITInternational Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet TechnologiesC
ICDSInternational Conference on Digital SocietyC
ICECInternational Conference on Evolutionary ComputationC
ICECInternational Conference on Entertainment ComputingC
ICECommInternational Conference on Electronic CommerceC
ICEIMTInternational Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modelling TechnologyC
ICEISInternational Conference on Enterprise Information SystemsC
ICESInternational Conference on Computational Engineering ScienceC
ICETEInternational Joint Conference on e Business and TelecommunicationsC
ICFCAInternational Conference Formal Concept Analysis ConferenceC
ICGSEIEEE International Conference on Global Software EngineeringC
ICHITInternational Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information TechnologyC
ICICSEInternational Conference on Internet Computing in Science and EngineeringC
ICICTInternational Conference on Information and Communications TechnologyC
ICICTEInternational Conference on International and Communication TechnologiesC
ICIETInternational Conference on Information and Emerging TechnologiesC
ICIGInternational Conference on Image and GraphicsC
ICILInternational Conference on Intelligent SystemsC
ICIMPInternational Conference on Internet Monitoring and ProtocolC
ICISPInternational Conference on Image and Signal ProcessingC
ICITAInternational Conference on Information Technology and ApplicationsC
ICITSInternational Conference on Information Theoretic SecurityC
ICIWInternational Conference on Internet and Web Applications and ServicesC
ICMInternational Congress of MathematiciansC
ICMBInternational Conference on Mobile BusinessC
ICMLAInternational Conference on Machine Learning and ApplicationsC
ICMLCInternational Conference on Machine Learning and CyberneticsC
ICMSOInternational Conference on Modelling, Simulation and OptimisationC
ICMVInternational Conference on Machine VisionC
ICNCInternational Conference on Natural ComputationC
ICOSIGOPT International Conference on OptimizationC
ICOCIInternational Conference on Computing and InformaticsC
ICOTAInternational Conference on Optimization: Techniques And ApplicationsC
ICPCInternational Conference on Program Comprehension (was IWPC)C
ICPCAInternational Conference on Pervasive Computing and ApplicationsC
ICPSInternational Conference on Pervasive ServicesC
ICSEAInternational Conference on Software Engineering AdvancesC
ICSLPInternational Conference on Spoken Language ProcessingC
ICSRICInternational Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and CyberneticsC
ICSSEAInternational Conference Software and Systems Engineering and their ApplicationsC
ICSTInternational Conference on Software Testing, Verification and ValidationC
ICTBMInternational Conference on Technology and Business ManagementC
ICTCSItalian Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceC
ICTDInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technologies DevelopmentC
ICVSInternational Conference on Computer Vision SystemsC
ICVSInternational Conference on Virtual StorytellingC
ICWEInternational Conference on Web EngineeringC
IDCInternational Conference on Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its ApplicationsC
IDEALInternational Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated LearningC
IDEAWIntegrated Data Environments Australia WorkshopC
IDETInternational Workshop on Interactive EntertainmentC
IDVIntelligence Tools, Data Mining, VisualizationC
IEA/AIEInternational Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert SystemsC
IEEInformatics Education EuropeC
ADPRLIEEE International Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning IEEEC
CISchedIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling IEEEC
CIAAIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Applications IEEEC
CIBIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications IEEEC
CIBCBIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology IEEEC
CICAIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and Automation IEEEC
CICSIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security IEEEC
CIDMIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining IEEEC
CIFErIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering IEEEC
CIIPIEEE Symposium on Computational intelligence for Image Processing IEEEC
CIMSVPIEEE Symposium on Computational intelligence for Multimedia Signal and Vision Processing IEEEC
CISDAIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications IEEEC
CIVEIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Virtual Environments IEEEC
CIVIIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence IEEEC
CIWSIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Vehicular Systems IEEEC
DESTIEEE International Conference on Digital EcoSystems and Technologies Conference IEEEC
ESDISIEEE Workshop on Evolving and Self Developing Intelligent Systems IEEEC
HIMAIEEE Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Models and Applications IEEEC
IAIEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents IEEEC
ICIAIEEE International Conference on Information and Automation IEEEC
IRIIEEE International Conference on Information Integration and Reuse IEEEC
ISIEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems IEEEC
MCDMIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multi Criteria Decision Making IEEEC
NLP KENatural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering IEEEC
OCIEEE Workshop on Organic Computing IEEEC
RiiSSIEEE Workshop on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space IEEEC
SISIEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium IEEEC
VASTIEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology IEEEC
WEAHIEEE Workshop on Evolvable and Adaptive Hardware IEEEC
WOMAIEEE Workshop on Memetic Algorithms IEEEC
IFAWCInternational Forum on Applied Wearable ComputingC
TCSIFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science IFIPC
TMJoint iTrust and PST Conferences on Privacy, Trust Management and Security IFIPC
IGARSSIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing SymposiumC
IHInternational Workshop on Information HidingC
IICISAInternational ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and ApplicationsC
IICSInnovative Internet Computer SystemsC
IIWASInformation Integration and Web based Applications and ServicesC
IKEInternational Conference on Information and Knowledge EngineeringC
MInternational Conference on Immersive Telecommunications IMMERSCOC
IMSInternational Conference on Advanced Information ManagementC
IMVIPInternational Machine Vision and Image Processing ConferenceC
INAPInternational Conference on Declarative Programming and Knowledge ManagementC
INCInternational Conference on Networked ComputingC
INETInternet Society ConferenceC
INEXInternational Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML RetrievalC
INFHWorkshop on Information HidingC
ProcessingIFIP Congress (Information Processing) InformationC
InfVisInformation Visualisation Theory and PracticeC
INISTAInternational Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and ApplicationsC
INMICIEEE International Multioptic ConferenceC
INOCInternational Network Optimization ConferenceC
InSITEInforming Science and Information Technology EducationC
INTEROPInteroperating Geographic Information SystemsC
INTUITIONINTUITION International ConferenceC
IOLTSIEEE International On Line Testing SymposiumC
IPCInternational Conference on Intelligent Pervasive ComputingC
IPMUInternational Conference on Information Processing and Management of UncertaintyC
IPythCInternational Python ConferenceC
IRISInformation Systems Research Seminar in ScandinaviaC
ISAInternational Conference on Information Security and AssuranceC
ISADSInternational Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized SystemsC
ISAGAConference for the International Simulation and Gaming AssociationC
ISASInternational Conference on Information Systems Analysis and SynthesisC
ISAVIIAInternational Symposium on Audio, Video, Image Processing and Intelligent ApplicationsC
ISBEInstitute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual ConferenceC
ISCInternational Supercomputing ConferenceC
ISCIndustrial Simulation ConferenceC
ISCEngInternational Conference on Systems EngineeringC
ISCISInternational Symposium on Computer and Information SciencesC
ISDAInternational Conference on Intelligent Systems Designs and ApplicationsC
ISDPEInternational Symposium on Data, privacy and E CommerceC
ISDSSConference of the International Society for Decision Support SystemsC
ISFSTInternational Symposium on Future Software TechnologyC
ISGCInternational Symposium on Grid ComputingC
ISIIEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security InformaticsC
ISICTInternational Symposium on Information and Communication TechnologiesC
ISIPInternational Symposium on Information ProcessingC
ISMIEEE International Symposium on MultimediaC
ISMISInternational Symposium on Foundations of Intelligent SystemsC
ISNNInternational Symposium on Neural NetworksC
ISoLAInternational Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and ValidationC
ISORCIEEE International Symposium on Object Oriented Real Time Distributed ComputingC
ISOTASInternational Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced SoftwareC
ISPASSIEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and SoftwareC
ISPDCInternational Symposium on Parallel and Distributed ComputingC
ISSAInternational Symposium on Static AnalysisC
ISSSInternational Symposium on System SynthesisC
ISTASInternational Symposium on Technology and SocietyC
ISVCInternational Symposium on Visual ComputingC
ISVDInternational Symposium on Voronoi diagrams in Science and EngineeringC
ISWInformation Security WorkshopC
ITCCInternational Conference on Information Technology: Coding and ComputingC
ITIInternational Conference on Information Technology InterfacesC
ITiRAInternational Information Technology in Regional Areas ConferenceC
ITISSymposium on Information Technology and Information SystemsC
iTrustInternational Conference on Trust ManagementC
IV AppApplications of Information VisualizationC
IVBIInformation Visualization in Biomedical InformaticsC
IVEInformation Visualization EvaluationC
IWMMDBMSInt. Workshop on Multi Media Data Base Management SystemsC
IWAAGThe International Workshop on Algorithms and GraphsC
IWACOInternational Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and OwnershipC
IWCInternational Web ConferenceC
IWCIAInternational Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis: Theory and ApplicationsC
IWDOMInternational Workshop on Distributed Object ManagementC
IWDWInternational Workshop on Digital WatermarkingC
IWIAInternational Workshop on Intelligent AgentsC
IWICSSInternational Workshop on Incorporating COTS Software into Software Systems, Tools and TechniquesC
IWKDDSInternational Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data StreamsC
IWPCInternational Workshop on Program Comprehension (now ICPC)C
IWPTInternational Workshop on Parsing TechnologiesC
IWSMInternational Workshop in Software MeasurementC
IWSPInternational Workshop on Security ProtocolsC
IWSPMInternational Workshop on Software Product ManagementC
IWSTARInternational Workshop on Software Technology for Augmented Reality SystemsC
IWUVRInternational Workshop on Ubiquitous Virtual RealityC
JACSymposium on Cellular AutomataC
JADTInternational Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual DataC
DW)Chilean Database Workshop JCC/WBD(CC
JCCGGJapan Conference on Computational Geometry and GraphsC
JCDCGJapan Conference on Discrete and Computational GeometryC
JCISJoint Conference on Information SciencesC
JFPLCInternational French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint ProgrammingC
JGAFrench Journ??es de G??om??trie AlgorithmiqueC
JHJapanese Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its ApplicationsC
JHPCWorkshop On Java For High Performance ComputingC
JURIXInternational Conference on Legal Knowledge based SystemsC
KAWKnowledge Acquisition, Modelling and Management WorkshopC
KDDMBDKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases MeetingC
KDEEWIEEE Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange WorkshopC
KDEXKnowledge and Data Engineering Exchange WorkshopC
KDVizKnowledge Domain VisualisationC
KEODInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and OntologyC
AMSTAInternational KES Symposium on Agents and Multiagent systems Technologies and Applications KESC
IDTKES International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies KESC
IIMSSInternational Symposium on Intelligent and Interactive Multimedia: Systems and Services KESC
KIGerman Conference on Artificial IntelligenceC
KIESInternational Conference on Knowledge based Intelligent Electronic SystemsC
KoalaPLoPAustralasian Conference on Pabern Languages of ProgramsC
KRDBKnowledge Representation Meets DatabasesC
KVKnowledge Visualization and Visual ThinkingC
KyotoCGGTKyoto International Conference on Computational Geometry and Graph TheoryC
LtiLWorkshop on Logic and LearningC
LA WEBLatin American Web CongressC
LAGOSLatin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization SymposiumC
LARCNASA LaRC Formal Methods WorkshopC
LATAInternational Conference on Language and Automata Theory and ApplicationsC
LCCSInternational Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer ScienceC
LCIInternational Conference on High Performance Clustered Computing (International Conference on Linux Clusters)C
LILaw via the InternetC
SWorkshop on Localized Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks LOCALALGOC
MAAMAWEuropean Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi Agent WorldC
MABSInternational Workshop on MultiAgent Based SimulationC
MACISMACIS: International Conference of Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information SciencesC
MADYMOAustralian MADYMO Users MeetingC
MassiveWorkshop on Massive Data AlgorithmicsC
MathInfoColloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and ProbabilitiesC
MATLABAustralian MATLAB ConferenceC
MCA:ASMultimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems (was Multimedia Content Analysis, Management and Retrieval)C
MCDAAustralian Workshop on Mobile Computing, Databases and ApplicationsC
MDDSMobility in Databases and Distributed SystemsC
MDMInternational Conference on Mobile Data ManagementC
MDSRIAInternational Workshop on Multimedia Data Storage, Retrieval, Integration and ApplicationsC
MediVisInternational Conference on Medical Information VisualisationC
MENSURAInternational Conference on Software Process and Product MeasurementC
MEWSMining for Enhanced Web SearchC
MGCInternational Workshop on Middleware for Grid ComputingC
MIGHTYMid West Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography, and ComputingC
MISEInternational Workshop on Modelling in Software EngineeringC
MMDBACM International Workshop On Multimedia DatabasesC
MMICSMathematical Methods in Computer ScienceC
MMMInternational Conference on Multimedia ModellingC
MobiDEWorkshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile AccessC
MODSIMInternational Congress on Modelling and SimulationC
MOPTAModelling and Optimization: Theory and ApplicationsC
MOVEPSummer School on Modelling and Verification of Parallel ProcessesC
MOVIXInternational Workshop on Modelling and Visualization of XML and Semantic Web DataC
MPOOLWorkshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO LanguagesC
MSASSPIE International Conference on Multimedia Storage and Archiving SystemsC
MSRIEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software RepositoriesC
MSSTIEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and TechnologiesC
MSVVEISInternational Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information SystemsC
MTNSInternational Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and SystemsC
MUSEInternational Workshop on Metamodelling Utilization in Software EngineeringC
MVAMachine Vision ApplicationsC
MVSPIntelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing SymposiumC
NACCQNational Advisory Commibee on Computing QualificationsC
NACLPNorth American Conference on Logic ProgrammingC
NAFIPSNorth American Fuzzy Information Processing Society ConferenceC
NAISONAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent SystemsC
NATOSENATO Conference on Software engineeringC
NCCISNational Conference on Computer and Information SystemsC
NDBNational Database Conference (China)C
NeMLaPJoint Conference on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language LearningC
NFMThe Northern Formal Methods WorkshopsC
NGDBInternational Symposium on Next Generation Data Base Systems and ApplicationsC
NGDMNational Science Foundation symposium on Next Generation Data Mining and Cyber Enabled Discovery for Innovation (was.NSF workshop on Next Generation Data Mining)C
NHICNational Health Informatics ConferenceC
NISDICWorkshop on Nature Inspired Distributed ComputingC
NISSInternational Conference on New Trends of Information and Service ScienceC
NISSCNational Information Systems Security Conference (was National Computer Security Conference)C
NLDBApplications of Natural Language to Data BasesC
NNSPIEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal ProcessingC
NORDCHINorwegian Computer Human InteractionC
NordSecNordic Workshop on Secure IT SystemsC
NPCIFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel ComputingC
NPSCInternational Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific ComputationsC
NRACInternational Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and ChangeC
NRDMWorkshop on Network Related Data ManagementC
NSPWNew Security Paradigms WorkshopC
NWESPInternational Conference on Next Generation Web Services PracticesC
OASISOrganisations and Society in Information Systems WorkshopC
ODSAOptimal Discrete Structures and AlgorithmsC
OLAWorkshop on On Line AlgorithmsC
OnwardOnward Software EngineeringC
OODBSWorkshop on Object Oriented Database SystemsC
OPSIAM Conference on OptimizationC
OrdalConference on Orders, Algorithms and ApplicationsC
ORPAConference on Operational Research Practice in AfricaC
OTAOptimization: Techniques And ApplicationsC
P2PIEEE International Conference on Peer to Peer ComputingC
EconWorkshop on Economics of Peer to Peer Systems P2PC
PAAMPractical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi Agent Technology ConferenceC
PADDWorkshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging ACM/ONRC
PADOSymposium on Programs as Data ObjectsC
PairingInternational Conference on Pairing based CryptographyC
PAP/PACTPractical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint TechnologyC
PARCOParallel ComputingC
PAWECPacific Asia Workshop on Electronic CommerceC
PCWorkshop on Physics and ComputationC
PCMPacific Rim Conference on MultimediaC
PCWInternational Parallel Computing WorkshopC
PDISParallel and Distributed Information SystemsC
PDKProcessing Declarative Knowledge, International WorkshopC
PDPEuromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network Based ProcessingC
PGTWorkshop on Probabilistic Graph TheoryC
PIAWorkshop on New Technologies for Personalized Information AccessC
PKIAnnual PKI RtiD WorkshopC
PLAN XProgramming Language Techniques for XMLC
PLATEPractices of Linking Aspect Technology and EvolutionC
PPAMInternational Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied MathematicsC
PPCISPan Pacific Conference on Information SystemsC
PPPJPrinciples and Practice of Programming in JavaC
PQCryptInternational Workshop on Post Quantum CryptographyC
PRIMAInternational Conference on Principles of Practice in Multi Agent SystemsC
PRISInternational Workshop on Pabern Recognition in Information SystemsC
PRO VEIFIP Working Conferences on Virtual EnterprisesC
PSBPacific Symposium on BiocomputingC
PSCPrague Stringology ConferenceC
PSDPrivacy in Statistical DatabasesC
PSORInternational Conference on Probability, Statistics and Operational ResearchC
PSTAnnual Conference on Privacy, Security and TrustC
PVWProgram Visualization WorkshopC
QIPWorkshop on Quantum Information ProcessingC
QOISInternational Workshop on Quality of Information SystemsC
QuantComInternational Conference on Experimental Implementation of Quantum ComputationC
CryptologyInternational Workshop on the Sate of the Art in Cryptology and New Challenges Ahead Quo VadisC
RAITAInternational Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology and ApplicationsC
RAM SEReflection, AOP and Meta Data for Software EvolutionC
RANLPInternational Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language ProcessingC
RAOOLRelationships and Associations in Object Oriented LanguagesC
RBACACM Workshop on Role Based Access Control (now SACMAT)C
REBSEInternational Workshop on Realising Evidence based Software EngineeringC
RelMiCSInternational Conference on Relational Methods in Computer ScienceC
RFIDSecConference on RFID SecurityC
ROGICSInternational Conference on Relations, Orders and Graphs: Interaction with Computer ScienceC
RSCTCInternational Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in ComputingC
RSPIEEE Symposium on Rapid PrototypingC
RTDBWorkshop on Real Time DatabasesC
RuleMLInternational Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic WebC
RVWorkshop on Runtime VerificationC
SACIInternational Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and InformaticsC
SACMATSymposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, ACM (was RBAC)C
SAGASymposium on Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations and ApplicationsC
SAICSITConference of South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information TechnologistsC
SAIGTCSouth African International Graph Theory ConferenceC
SAINTInternational Symposium on Applications and the InternetC
SAMIInternational Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and InformaticsC
SAMTInternational Conference on Semantic and Digital Media TechnologiesC
SAR SSIConference on Security in Network Architectures and Information SystemsC
SASCState of the Art of Stream CiphersC
SBBDBrazilian Symposium on DatabasesC
SBSEGBrazilian Symposium on Information and Computer Systems SecurityC
SCAMIEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and ManipulationC
SCCSouthern Conference on ComputingC
SCCGSpring Conference on Computer GraphicsC
SCCGIVSoG Computing in Computer Graphics, Imaging, and VisionC
SCWIEEE Workshop on Speech CodingC
SDHInternational Symposium on Spatial Data HandlingC
SEInternational IEEE Workshop on Software EvolvabilityC
SE HPCInternational Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing ApplicationsC
SEAAEuromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced ApplicationsC
SearchSearch: Workshop on Search, Sorting and CodingC
SEBDItalian Symposium on Advanced Database SystemsC
SEEThe Conference on visualization of informationC
SEETSoftware Engineering Education and Training ConferenceC
SELCRYPAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyC
SERAACIS Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and ApplicationsC
SETESystems Engineering / Test and Evaluation ConferenceC
SETNHellenic Conference on Artificial IntelligenceC
SETPInternational Conference on Software Engineering Theory and PracticeC
SEVizVisualization in Software EngineeringC
SEWIEEE Software Engineering WorkshopC
SFPScolsh Functional Programming WorkshopC
SGAISGAI International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceC
SHARCSSpecial purpose Hardware for Abacking Cryptographic SystemsC
SIBGRAPIBrazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image ProcessingC
SIDEKICWorkshop on Scientific Knowledge, Information, and ComputingC
SIEDSIEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design SymposiumC
SIGdialSIGdial Workshop on Discourse and DialogC
SIGIR/XMLACM SIGIR Workshop on XML and Information RetrievalC
SIGITEACM Information Technology EducationC
SIGLEXLexical Semantics and Knowledge RepresentationC
SIGOAConference on Office Information SystemsC
SIGUCCSACM SIGUCCS Conference on User ServicesC
SimTecTSimulation Technology and Training ConferenceC
SINInternational Conference on Security of Information and NetworksC
SISWInternational IEEE Security in Storage WorkshopC
SISYInternational Symposium on Intelligent Systems and InformaticsC
SKGInternational Conference on Semantics Knowledge and GridC
SLSStochastic Local Search AlgorithmsC
SNPDInternational Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed ComputingC
SOCAIEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing ApplicationsC
SOCASEWorkshop on Service Oriented ComputingC
SOCCERService Oriented Computing: Consequences for Engineering RequirementsC
SOCGMASymposium on Computational Geometry for Mechanics and ApplicationsC
SOFAInternational Workshop on SoG Computing ApplicationsC
SPDSACM Symposium on Principles of Database SystemsC
SPECWorkshop on Security and Privacy in e CommerceC
SPEEDSoftware Performance Enhancement for Encryption and DecryptionC
SQCSoftware Quality ConferenceC
SQMInternational Conference on Software Quality ManagementC
SREISSymposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecurityC
SRIG ETSoftware Education ConferenceC
SRMDStorage and Retrieval for Media Databases (was Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases)C
SSCIFAC Conference on System Structure and ControlC
SSGRRInternational Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the InternetC
SSNDSIEEE International Symposium on Security in Networks and Distributed SystemsC
SSSSymposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed SystemsC
STMInternational Conference on Systems Thinking in ManagementC
StyleSIGIR workshop: Stylistic Analysis of Text For Information AccessC
oPLatin American Conference on Pabern Languages of Programming SugarLoafPLC
SWODIEEE International Workshop on Databases for Next Generation ResearchersC
SWSACM Workshop on Secure Web ServicesC
SWWSThe International Conference on Semantic Web and Web ServicesC
SYNASCInternational Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific ComputingC
TACSInternational Conference on Theory and Applications of Computational ScienceC
TAITAI: Algorithmic Information Theory: Kolmogorov ComplexityC
TALNTraitement Automatique des Langues NaturellesC
TapiaRichard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing ConferenceC
TAPSOFTInternational Joint Conference CAAP/FASE on Theory and Practice of Software DevelopmentC
TASEInternational Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software EngineeringC
TDBInternational Workshop on Temporal DatabasesC
TGGTTopological and Geometric Graph TheoryC
TIDSETechnology for Interactive Digital StorytellingC
TIPPITrustworthy Interfaces for Passwords and Personal Information workshopC
TLDIACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation (was TIC)C
TMFCSInternational Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceC
TPGTTechniques and Problems in Graph TheoryC
VizInternational Visualization in Transportation Symposium and Workshop TRBC
TRI AdaAnnual International Conference on AdaC
TwenteTwente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial OptimizationC
UBICOMMInternational Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and TechnologiesC
UCInternational Conference on Unconventional ComputationC
ScienceUK e Science All Hands Meeting UK e?\C
UKAISUK Academy of Information Systems ConferenceC
USECUsable Security WorkshopC
ECUSENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce USENIXC
UWNTSUSENIX Windows NT SymposiumC
VAVisual AnalyticsC
VDAConference on Visualization and Data AnalysisC
VDbSIFIP Working Conference on Visual Database SystemsC
VDEASPIE Conference on Visual Data Exploration and AnalysisC
VIVision InterfaceC
VikingPLoPNordic Conference on Pabern Languages of ProgramsC
VINCIVisual Information Communications InternationalC
VIPPan Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information ProcessingC
VISAPPInternational Conference on Vision Theory and ApplicationsC
VISEVisualization In Science and EducationC
VisPLEVisualization in Software Product Lines WorkshopC
VISUALInternational Conference on Visual Information SystemsC
VISualizeENVI and IDL Data Analysis and Visualization SymposiumC
VizSecInternational Workshop on Visualization for Cyber SecurityC
VLFMVisual Languages and Formal MethodsC
VR SIGUnited Kingdom Virtual Reality Special Interest Group Conference UK VRSIGC
VRAISVirtual Reality Annual International SymposiumC
VSWSemantic Web VisualisationC
WAAAPLWorkshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Advanced Programming LanguagesC
WAACJapan Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and ComputationsC
WAFRInternational Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of RoboticsC
WAIFIWorkshop on the Arithmetic of Finite FieldsC
WAIMInternational Conference on Web Age Information ManagementC
WALCOMInternational Workshop on Algorithms and ComputationC
WARDSIEEE Workshop on Advances in Techniques for Analysis of Remotely Sensed DataC
WarSecAustralian Information Warfare and Security ConferenceC
WAWWorkshop on Algorithms And Models For The Web GraphC
WAWISRWestern Australian Workshop on Information Systems ResearchC
WCAEWorkshop on Computer Architecture EducationC
WCANWorkshop on Cryptography for Ad hoc NetworksC
WCCWorld Computer CongressC
WCCCEWestern Canadian Conference on Computing EducationC
WCGTCWorkshop on Computational Graph Theory and CombinatoricsC
WCOIMCSITWorkshop on Computational OptimizationC
WCOPWorkshop on Component Oriented ProgrammingC
WDASWorkshop on Distributed Data and StructuresC
WDDDWorkshop on Duplicating, Deconstructing, and DebunkingC
WDSIWestern Decision Sciences Institute ConferenceC
WebDBInternational Workshop on the Web and DatabasesC
WEBISTInternational Conference on Web Information Systems and TechnologiesC
WebKDDWorkshop on Web Usage AnalysisC
WebNetWorld Conference on the WWW and InternetC
WebSimInternational Conference on Web based Modelling and SimulationC
WebVizWeb VisualizationC
WECInternational Workshop on Entertainment ComputingC
WeWoRCWestern European Workshop on Research in CryptologyC
WFLPInternational Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic ProgrammingC
WHISWorkshop on Hybrid Intelligent SystemsC
WI IATIEEE/WIC/ACM international Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent TechnologyC
WICAustralasian Women in Computing WorkshopC
WICSWomen in ComputingC
WISAInternational Workshop on Information Security ApplicationsC
WISMInternational Workshop on Web Information Systems ModellingC
WISSecBenelux Workshop on Information and System SecurityC
WISTPWorkshop in Information Security Theory and PracticesC
WITSInternational Workshop on Issues in the Theory of SecurityC
WKDDInternational Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningC
WMCSInternational Workshop on Mobile Commerce and ServicesC
WMCSAIEEE Workshop On Mobile Computing Systems And ApplicationsC
WOODWorkshop on Object Oriented DevelopmentC
WoPPIEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing WorkshopsC
MPWorld Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing WORLDCOC
WOSISInternational Workshop on Security in Information SystemsC
WoSQInternational Workshop on Software QualityC
WOTEIAVoSS Workshop On Trustworthy ElectionsC
WPCWorkshop on Parameterized ComplexityC
WRSOWorkshop on Robust Shape OperationsC
WSEIEEE International Symposium on Web Systems EvolutionC
WWCAInternational Conference on Worldwide Computing and Its ApplicationsC
X SchemasInternational Workshop on Schema Languages for XMLC
XsymInternational XML Database SymposiumC
ZBInternational Conference of Z and B UsersC
ZUSERInternational Conference of Z UsersC