Software Thread
We know software thread is a lightweight process. Once process can contains multiple thread. Software thread is managed by OS. OS decide which CPU/CORE/ the thread will run in. Application programmer can also control where the thread can run by using affinity library. Typically, we need multiple thread application when it has I/O latency and we do not want to hang other computing task. For example, We do not want a desktop having GUI stop response user's input when it is running other computing or I/O task. Also, we normally need thread pool to have initialized ready to serve threads for a service application.
Hardware Thread
A hardware thread is pipeline for a software thread to reach CPU's physical core. In a HT CPU, a physical core can have two hardware threads (logical cores) as it has extra registers and execution units and it therefore stores the state of two threads.
What is shared among software threads and what is not
Multiple software threads (kernel thread) can live inside a process. In other words, they can not share anything out of process' resource. A kernel thread is the lightest unit for OS' kernel scheduling. Kernel threads do not share their stack, a copy of the registers including the program counter, and thread-local storage.
It is called "green thread" if the thread is implemented in "user space". green thread is not seen by kernel. It is normally useful for debugging a multi-threaded application.
What is shared among processes
I do not know what is shared among processes from point view of CPU. A process is the biggest unit of kernel scheduling. It has its own resources including memory, file handles, sockets, device handles etc. Processes has its own address spaces, shared by its containing threads. Of course, programmer can explicitly call methods to share resources with other process such as shared memory segments.
History about CPU evolution To better understand how to get most benefit from modern multi-core, HT CPU, I feel I need to study the history of CPU architecture evolution. But, I do not have time to do this yet. Let me deeply study it later.
Now, let's come back to my original questions. A normal application contains lots latency operations. For examples, a application normally contains network I/O, file I/O, or GUI interactivity. In this case, which is typical reason for us to use multi-threaded techniques, hyper threading can improve performance at little cost. However, hyper-threading is often turned off in high performance systems as hyper threading can impact performance when the two threads on the same core start competing for resources, such as the FPU, Level 1 cache, or CPU pipeline. We can see some motherboard actually disable hyper-threading by default.
Also, swap thread's context is expensive too. To switch threads system has to empty the registers into the cache, write that back to the main memory, then load up the cache with the new values and load up the registers. So, we need to be careful not to make overhead threads in our application.
The good way is probably keep same number of running threads as number of logical core. However, in the real world, many threads in an application are blocked thread. For a application having much more software thread than hardware thread, I will expect most of them are blocked thread. For example, a web server may have larger number of thread serving HTTP request. It has no problem as they are all blocked thread as it may be blocked at network I/O.
BTW, the coming up Reverse-Hyperthreading, which spread a thread's computing task among different logical core, may introduce new opportunity into multi-threaded programming world. But, who knows if it will actually bring in more challenges. So, back to my original question, I still think java has chance to get more benefits from a hyper-threading enabled CPU than PHP does as core PHP does not directly support multi-threading programming. However, a bad designed multi-threading may even damage the performance. Here is a good document for me to better understand hyper threading technology: Performance Insights to Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology