Saturday, November 28, 2009

how to highlight syntax in source code cited in google blog

It is easy to highlight source code syntax in your blog. The key is an open source project called SyntaxHighlighter. It is a wonderful tool to help you to highlight more than 20 computer languages in the Web page. We only need to highlighted syntax for source code cited in your web page,
  1. Include/link Syntaxhighlighter's Javascript file and CSS file in your web page.
  2. put the source code in tag pair <pre class="brush: java"></pre>
    . brush can be Java, PHP, SQL and more than twenty language names.
In case of google blog, we can enable SyntaxHighlighter in the following steps too,
  1. login your google blogger and navigate with path Design --> Edit HTML 
  2. insert the HTML tags in bottoms in the HTML template. I inserted it in the tag in order to make sure these scripts are loaded before the page will be displayed. But, you can insert it in other place too. 
  3. surround your source code with <pre> tag and specify proper brush name according to your source code.

1 comment:

  1. The topic discusses the process of highlighting syntax in source code cited within a Google blog using SyntaxHighlighter, an open-source project. It provides a clear, step-by-step guide on how to integrate SyntaxHighlighter into a blog hosted on Google Blogger, including instructions for including the necessary JavaScript and CSS files, enabling SyntaxHighlighter in the blog's HTML template, and specifying the appropriate brush name for syntax highlighting.

    The comment is informative and well-structured, making it easy for readers to follow along and implement syntax highlighting in their own blog posts. Additionally, the inclusion of an example HTML snippet enhances understanding by demonstrating how to format source code using SyntaxHighlighter effectively.

    Overall, the topic serves as a valuable resource for bloggers looking to improve the presentation of code snippets in their Google Blogger posts, showcasing the accessibility and versatility of SyntaxHighlighter for enhancing the readability of technical content. -
