Thursday, September 22, 2016

Trump vs Hillary week02

Please check last post for previous week's report. Three highlights for this weekly report,

  1. The peak tweets days shift to be Wednesday and Thursday.
  2. The profiles having Russian language have significantly higher tweets. 
  3. those auto app's post total number of tweets are different from previous week. 
This time, let's investigae a little bit about what those registered profile as Russian tweets.You can check out if being interested.

For Hillary side, here is the file contains what they posted.
samples: and some sexual adv.

For Trump side, here is the file contains what they said
RT @CrowdFundGurus: Check out "Donald Trump Your President" #Trump2016 #TrumpTrain by Rick Poppe -
RT @StylishRentals: Have you heard 'Donald Trump Your President' by rickpoppe on #SoundCloud? #TrumpTrain #Trump2016

Now, let's see what application registered language as "ru" and post these tweets.

Hillary Trump
Application Num
1 Twitter Web Client 273
2 iOS 16
3 Twitter for Android 14
4 Mobile Web (M5) 8
5 Twitter for iPad 7
6 Passive_app 6
7 SeotextApp 6
8 Twitter for iPhone 6
9 Put your button on any page! 5
10 MartinaDalysApp1 4
Application Num
1 Twitter Web Client 83450
2 Twitter for Android 949
3 Mobile Web (M5) 223
4 Twitter for iPad 164
5 Twitter for iPhone 149
6 Put your button on any page! 39
7 MartinaDalysApp1 31
8 iOS 19
9 Mobile Web (M2) 12
10 Twitter for Windows Phone 12
11 Google 8
12 Twidere for Android #5 6
13 Tweetbot for iΟS 2
14 Twitter for Android Tablets 2
15 Twitter for Windows 2
16 DermidenkoApp 1
17 Excellent_app 1
18 1
19 Passive_app 1
20 SeotextApp 1
21 SubFotoApp 1
22 TweetDeck 1

You can read below picture by comparing what I got for the previous week

Let's see in one week, each candidate has how many supporters on the twitter.

Let's see what time in a day has the most tweets screaming on the twitter.

How different language speaking people support Hillary or Trump?

For Hillary's top 20 applications,

 For Trump's top 20 applications

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